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Take a guess!

Date: 16/03/2011
Tags: webgenious, guess, akinator, game

 Take a guess!

I'm really enjoing the internet lately! And so do my fans, just like Makie who sent me a very funny link. It's a game called Akinator, a genious who guesses the person you are thinking of, just by asking a few question!

The funny part is that he even found me! Heres the proof:


Sometimes akinator fails, just like when I was thinking of my friend Gigi Love... Jajajjajaja!! Look how she's changed! I reminded her a bit younger, more atractive  and not like a nun haha.


He even found out I was thinking of Raúl McClane... But I had to answer some  weird extra questions like: "Does she have a vagina piercing?"


                                                                                                           Here's the website for all of you who want to play:




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